Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Picture Frame Play Tunnel for Cats

Most people have picture frames, but usually, theyre hanging on a wall somewhere in the home. But, did you know there are lots of other things you can make from picture frames? If you have a cat or kitten youll really enjoy making a fun play tunnel that your cat will adore. The frames need not be fancy, and in fact, should be ordinary and plain.

The frames you choose to use for this project should be at least an 8"x10" size. The frames dont have to be exactly alike but must be the same size. They can be various colors, some can be wooden while others are plastic, but all will come together to make the perfect cat tunnel play house.

If you have zillions of picture frames you can glue them together, in a huge stack, then place the stack on the floor so that it forms a tunnel. Trap lengths of yarn, or small toys on a string, between the frames. Your cat will love crawling through the tunnel and swatting at the dangling items. If you have few picture frames you can use spacers between the frames. Spacers can be anything from bottle caps to blocks of wood. Place the first frame on a flat surface, with the back of the frame facing upwards. Attach four spacers to the back of the frame, one at each corner. These spacers will allow you to use fewer frames to make the tunnel. Using spacers there will be openings between each picture frame in the tunnel. These openings will make it slightly more challenging to add the dangling toys to the tunnel. If you build a tunnel that has the frames butted together you can simply trap strings, yarn or even pieces of elastic, with cat toys attached, between the frames. But, if you build the tunnel with spacers youll need to add an additional spacer by which to trap each toy. Place the additional spacer in the center, at the top, between the two frames. As you do so, trap the string between one of the picture frames and the spacer. You can add more spacers along the top if you want to hang additional toys. The tunnel can become even more than that. Create a bed on top of the tunnel by placing a pillow or mat on top. Actually attach the mat or just toss it on top of the tunnel. There are other things you can do with the tunnel to create even more fun for your cat. Make a different version by creating two half tunnels. To do this, simply turn two of the picture frames in the opposite direction as the others. These two frames create an opening on each side of the tunnel, halfway through. The frames you use to create these windows must be the same as those used to create the tunnel. Make flaps for the "windows" by attaching a piece of plastic then making slits in it. Or, dangle additional toys in the makeshift windows. All of the toys dont necessarily have to be dangling from between the frames. You can toss in balls, lengths of yarn and other toys for the cat. Not everyone has dozens of picture frames just lying around the house. If you dont have picture frames, but still want to make the cat play station, simply cut pieces of cardboard or even cut the bottoms off of shoe boxes. Glue the shoe boxes together to form a unique tunnel cats will love. Go to the attic, gather all those dusty picture frames, and get busy making the cat tunnel. Your cat can hardly wait!

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