Whether youre traveling across the country, or to the next town to visit relatives, youll be needing a baby changing mat. Babies require lots of different things, but one things most moms cant do without, is a simple mat to lay baby on while changing diapers. Without the pad your baby is lying on dirty car seats, couches or other areas. A baby changing mat is easy to make, and when youre finished, you will always have a clean changing area you can whip out of the diaper bag in seconds.
Bubble wrap makes the perfect stuffing for the changing mat. The wrap comes in a variety of styles and sizes and can be found at discount department stores or stores that sell packaging. The type that has large bubbles works really great for this project. Youll need less than a yard of the bubble wrap which is inexpensive.
A pillowcase is the other thing youll need to make the baby changing mat. Most any pillowcase will work to make the mat but slick fabrics, like satin, arent ideal. Thick fabrics are also a poor choice since the mat will then take up way too much room in the diaper bag. Cut a piece of bubble wrap which is only slightly smaller than the pillowcase. Open the pillowcase and position the piece of bubble wrap inside. Stitch the pillowcase shut at the end. Now stitch around the perimeter of the pillowcase so that the thread catches the fabric as well as the bubble wrap inside. With a needle and thread take a stitch or two, here and there between the bubbles across the entire mat. This will assure that the bubble wrap stays in place. Roll the finished changing mat into a tight roll. Mark the middle of the end of the mat, as well as the middle of the opposite side on the mat. Stitch a piece of velcro on each of these marks. Now you can velcro the roll shut before placing it in the diaper bag. Instead of velcro you can sew on a strap, a pair of ribbons to tie, or even a button and buttonhole. Instead of bubble wrap you can stuff the pillowcase with a folded felt piece, cotton batting or fabric scraps. Whatever the interior stuffing youll need to make a few stitches all over the pillowcase so the stuffing will stay in place. If you dont have a sewing machine you can always make the baby changing mat with fabric glue. To do this roll the ends of the pillowcase up towards the closed end. Roll the ends over and over until the roll is almost to the closed end of the pillowcase. Place the end of the bubble wrap into the closed end of the pillowcase. Place the fabric glue along the edge of the top and bottom of the bubble wrap, at the end. Now go down the bubble wrap, placing dots of glue here and there, along the bubble wrap. At the same time put the glue along the perimeter of the bubble wrap at top and bottom. Unroll and smooth the pillowcase over the bubble wrap as you go along. When the pillowcase is completely unrolled youll close the pillowcase with the fabric glue. Make sure the glue you use is fit for laundering and works well on plastic as well as fabric. Youll find suitable adhesives at a craft store or store that sells sewing supplies. The glue dries clear and holds most fabrics. Although the glue dries quickly dont launder the baby changing mat until the glue has set for at least 48 hours. The homemade changing mat is handy, easy to make, and costs little. It will be a handy assistant throughout the diapering period in your babys life. Make an extra one while youre at it, though. Your friends will all want one, too!
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